Thursday, May 17, 2012

Why Me?

Why Me...A question everyone has asked themselves at some point in their life, it can be used for anything that might happen in your life. You are being attacked in so many ways that it is easy to feel like a victim and that the World is against you and hates you but guess what...It doesn't have to be that way. You are uniques and special just like every other person out there. Social media, with our current state of twitter, facebook, email, texting and many more insults can fly faster now than ever before and worse spread faster and have a bigger impact than ever before. One simple post can be instantly be viewed by all your friends and aquaintances. I was reading an article the other day on a high school student that was bullied constantly by a group of kids from school and not only did the bullying happen at school but it spread to her home life too where she was ridiculed every night by a barrage of texts and posts. She eventually felt that she had no where to turn and made the aweful decision to end her life. I have always felt that fate has a funny way of leading you in directions and this one moment made me realize WOW, what if this beautiful person had somewhere she could go and see she wasn't alone, could it have been different. Where would life have taken her, school, marriage, children, who knows now what potential this life had and now it's over. What can we do to help...what differance can you, me and anyone else make. I don't know all the answers but I'd like to try and help out if anyone is low and needs help or just someone to vent to hit this blog up and if no one else KNOW I WILL. We change the world one moment at a time, don't let todays position dictate tomorrow's potential! You are special!

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